Advent Devotional
Though their circumstances were grim, Isaiah tells Israel a Messiah is coming who will redeem everything.
Psalm 89 is Israel’s response to what seemed like a broken promise.
You know that feeling when you have to wait longer than you expected to? Frustration builds as each minute passes. Soon you’re wondering why you showed up at all.
Have you ever wanted to believe God would make something happen, but the circumstances overwhelmingly pointed to “no”?
‘Tis the season for family gatherings and work parties. If you’ve ever hosted a holiday party, you know preparation takes time.
How many times have you looked at a situation and thought: “There’s no way. This is impossible.”
Joseph had a choice when he discovered Mary was pregnant. He could publicly divorce Mary, which would have led to Mary being stoned. Or, he could try to divorce Mary quietly.
Mary’s calling was a blessing, but it was also costly. She nearly lost her fiancé. She was disowned by everyone around her, and she would eventually see her son murdered.
The calling God placed on Mary’s life wasn’t something she could hide. She was carrying a child. And not just any child — the child Israel had waited hundreds of years for!
Micah prophesies a ruler will come from Bethlehem, one who will shepherd his people and bring peace.
When Caesar Augustus decided to take a census, the timing couldn’t have been worse for Joseph and Mary. They weren’t yet married, and Mary was due any day.
Despite what our nativities would have us believe, Jesus’ birth was not a rustic, peaceful delivery.
Jesus is “Immanuel” or “God with us.” Through Jesus, God came and walked among creation. Jesus made a way to restore our relationship with God and gave us His Spirit, so we’re never without Him.
Often, what’s good news for some is devastating for others.
When you think of the kind of people God works through, who comes to mind?
Christmas presses us all to answer the most important question: Who is Jesus?
If you start watching a movie when it’s almost over, you miss the significance of certain events.
Jesus was probably 1 or 2 years old when the wise men arrived. Still a babe, Jesus was unable to do anything for them. Yet they were overjoyed to see Him and showered Him with gifts fit for royalty (Matthew 2:10-11).
It’s a common plot for Christmas movies. Girl bumps her head and wakes up in a different reality. She remembers everything, but no one recognizes who she really is.
“How beautiful upon the mountains
are the feet of him who brings good news...”
Parents and teachers. Your boss. Your boss’s boss. The shareholders or the members of the board. We all have bosses — some good, some not.
When rescue doesn’t come the way we thought it would, we grow restless.
The sound of a Salvation Army bell ringing, a child’s wish written in crayon hung on a Christmas tree, hot meals served to strangers on a cold day. The holidays bring many opportunities to serve others.
Ever notice how we get more nostalgic during the holidays? We go about our lives for 330 days, then December hits, and the opening notes of “I’ll Be Home for Christmas” brings us to tears.
Long after the tree is packed up and the lights are put away, the spirit of Christmas can live on in us. Christmas reminds of God’s faithfulness, and His faithfulness never ends.