The most beautiful gift you can give this Christmas

Read: Isaiah 52:7-10, Romans 10:8-15

“How beautiful upon the mountains

    are the feet of him who brings good news...” (Isaiah 52:7). 

If you’ve ever seen a runner’s feet or bathed a child who’s been playing barefoot outside, you know the beauty Isaiah describes isn’t in the feet themselves but in what they represent. 

In Isaiah’s day, messengers carried news from town to town. Watchmen would see a messenger approaching in the distance and try to determine from their posture or speed if they were carrying good news. 

You can imagine the anticipation and excitement building as the messenger gets closer. What will he say? What will the news be? 

The messenger is received like a celebrity, and when he speaks, everyone celebrates (Isaiah 52:8). It’s a beautiful moment. 

When we share the good news of the Gospel, we are like that messenger. We aren’t asking people to give more or do more. We get to be the ones delivering the news, “Salvation is here!” (Romans 10:13). 

Jesus did all the work to save us and set us free. Then, He gives us the privilege of delivering that message to the world. What better time than now, during the celebration of His birth, to share the hope Jesus brings. 


  • What makes the Gospel good news for you?

  • Are there people you know who need to hear the good news of Jesus? Ask the Lord for the opportunity to share it with them.