getting involved at south union is one of the best ways to live out our mission.
Why get involved?
Here at South Union we’re created with gifts, talents, and passions. When we use those to serve others, we consider it taking ownership of our church and the work that we do.
“When I first signed up to volunteer, I never imagined how much it would impact my life. However, after serving in many areas of our church, I’ve realized just how much of a blessing volunteering has been for me. I’ve grown tremendously in my own faith, and I’ve developed genuine friendships with so many along the way. Not once have I ever regretted helping out wherever I’ve been needed. In fact, I leave feeling fulfilled and thankful that I get to play a small role in the greatness of our church. If you’re looking for something meaningful, something with purpose, something that truly makes an impact, I encourage you to volunteer. ”
We consider it the greatest privilege to be able to serve the church through our creative expressions and musical gifts. We are passionate about the presence of God and live to see people encounter His presence through powerful worship experiences every Sunday.
We always welcome additional volunteers to help in the tech booth. Available roles include running the sound board and working closely with the worship team, running cameras for our online video stream, managing our live stream broadcast, and running the projector slides for both services.
The care team was created to focus on providing for those who need support in times of need. Our goal is to offer hope and support as they walk through various life experiences.
Such experiences include memorial services and visitations.
We believe kids learn more about God when they experience Jesus on their level. Every week, lessons are planned by our children’s director and designed to point kids toward Jesus with an age-appropriate life application.
We are always welcoming volunteers to help teach these lessons and work with the children in our church ages infant - jr. high.
Are you a handy man or woman? We are always welcoming team members to help us maintain our facilities to ensure they’re clean and safe for those coming and going on a weekly basis. This includes ongoing general ongoing maintenance as well as new projects or updates, repairs, etc.
Whether you’re new to South Union or you’ve been coming to the church for years, we want to ensure everyone feels welcome when they walk through those doors.
We would love to have you join our team of greeters and provide a smiling face to those you welcome on Sunday mornings!
The following are just a few of the ministries/charities that we financially and prayerfully support:
Christian Student Fellowship House
CRU at Indiana University
The Hannah Center
Hilltop Christian Camp
Bloomington Campus Life
We are praying for what God has for us next as we plan locally, nationally, and internationally. No matter experience or talents you have, we need you!
To view a full list of organizations we support and learn more about them, visit
At South Union, we value prayer. Individually and together, we believe in the importance of praying as a church family.
Every Sunday morning before services, we will meet in the large group room at 8am to pray together. Additionally, we will pray for other special events throughout the year and participate in prayer walks.
We would love for you to be a part of our Prayer Team!
We’re focused on ensuring South Union is a safe and secure environment for all of us to spend worshiping Jesus and fellowshipping.
If you’re willing to join this team, we have volunteers helping out on Sunday mornings during regular church services as well as during special events such as our annual Fall Fest, VBS, and more!
South Union’s student ministry offers a grade-specific service at 10:30am on Sundays and fun, energetic, youth group time Sunday evenings from 6-8pm.
If you’re interested in becoming a youth sponsor and joining in on the fun that happens on Sunday evenings at youth group, during fun-filled weeks at CIY, or similar events for our youth, we would love to have you join us!
We consider it the greatest privilege to be able to serve the church through our creative expressions and musical gifts. We are passionate about the presence of God and live to see people encounter His presence through powerful worship experiences every Sunday. We always welcome additional musicians, including vocalists, instrumentalists, and sound technicians.
If you’re interested in getting more involved with our church body, please fill out this form and we’ll be in touch with opportunities! Don’t see a team listed here that fits your expertise or skill sets? No problem! Just let us know what skill sets you have or where you might be interested in serving!