What are you waiting for?

Read: Isaiah 40:12-31

You know that feeling when you have to wait longer than you expected to? Frustration builds as each minute passes. Soon you’re wondering why you showed up at all. 

Israel knew this growing impatience. They had been in exile for 70 years. And although Isaiah had told them a rescuer was coming, God’s promise became harder and harder to believe with each passing day. They knew God’s promise, but His words didn’t seem to match their circumstances.

In response, Isaiah reminds them of God’s power and might, His thoughtfulness and attention to detail. God doesn’t make mistakes. But in the middle of a long wait, it sure can feel that way.  

“Have you not known? Have you not heard?
The Lord is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He does not faint or grow weary;
his understanding is unsearchable.” - Isaiah 40:28

Waiting well teaches us to trust God with His plan for our lives, believing He loves us and does everything for our good (Romans 8:28).  

God’s plan is worth the wait, and Jesus’ birth was proof of that. Jesus did more than save Israel; He saved the world. Jesus established an eternal kingdom, offering freedom from sin and a relationship with God to all who seek Him. 

Whatever you’re waiting for, fight the urge to rush the process. Let Christmas, the arrival of God’s greatest promise, be a reminder that no one can fathom what God has planned for those who love Him. 


  • How do you respond when things don’t go as planned?

  • What do Isaiah’s words tell you about God’s ability to change things?

  • Is there a situation you’re waiting for God to resolve? Be honest with God about how you’re feeling. And remember, Isaiah’s words are true for you, too.