Though their circumstances were grim, Isaiah tells Israel a Messiah is coming who will redeem everything.
God doesn't break His promises
What are you waiting for?
The surprising benefit of being honest about your doubts
The importance of preparation
When your situation seems impossible, remember this truth
When the right thing is not the easy thing
A blessed life is not the same as an easy life
How to accept praise and stay humble
How to find peace this Christmas
Walk by faith, not by sight
Jesus is not afraid of your mess
Do you believe God is with you?
This really is good news
God can do great things through imperfect people
How you see Jesus shapes how you see Christmas
What you miss when you only know half the story
What does it look like to worship?
Jesus was probably 1 or 2 years old when the wise men arrived. Still a babe, Jesus was unable to do anything for them. Yet they were overjoyed to see Him and showered Him with gifts fit for royalty (Matthew 2:10-11).