As we seek to be good stewards of the building God has let us use for church, there will be electrical needs that arise on a project-by-project basis. This could be installing light fixtures, changing light bulbs, or providing maintenance when needed.

TIME NEEDED: 1-4 Hours Per Project


As we seek to be good stewards of the building God has let us use for church, there will be plumbing needs that arise on a project-by-project basis. This could be maintaining water lines, restroom maintenance, sinks, ice machine, and the baptistry.

TIME NEEDED: 1-4 Quarterly


As we seek to be good stewards of the building God has let us use for church, there will be plumbing needs that arise on a

project-by-project basis. This could be maintaining water lines, restroom maintenance, sinks, ice machine, and the baptistry.

TIME NEEDED: 1-4 Hours Quarterly


As we seek to be good stewards of the building God has let us use for church, there will be painting needs that arise on a project-by-project basis. This could be touch-ups around the building, a new wall-coat, or helping paint stage design.

TIME NEEDED: 1-4 Hours Quarterly


As we seek to be good stewards of the building God has let us use for ministry, there will be woodworking/metalworking needs that arise on a project-by-project basis. This may include designing and building structures for a ministry events (ex. VBS), miscellaneous construction and mission projects, and stage design

TIME NEEDED: 1-4 Hours Quarterly


The church grounds team is responsible for the upkeep of the outdoor grounds and parking lots. Responsibilities of members on this team might include any one or more of the following:

• Landscaping needs: mowing, weeding, mulching, watering

• Snow shoveling of sidewalks and steps (parking lots are contracted)

• Keeping parking lots free of clutter and debris

• Arranging for outside repair services when necessary with staff/elder approval

• Ensuring outside lighting is adequate and working

• Outdoor maintenance of building (power-washing, repairs, etc.)

TIME NEEDED: 2-4 Hours Quarterly (time can vary per season)


As a church, one of our main areas of ministry happens on Sunday mornings. The worship team leads people in song and helps add meaningful moments to our gatherings on Sundays. The ministry is made up of people that have vocal abilities and musical abilities through playing instruments.

TIME NEEDED: 6 Hours per week


If you have an eye for creative design and attention to detail, this team is for you! The team is responsible for creating the visual environment for church attendees both in the room and watching online. Team members will create the set/backdrop’s look and feel by using furniture, lighting, and décor. Team members will collaborate with the church staff to bring their vision to life for specific events such as Christmas, Easter, and VBS.

TIME NEEDED: 5 Hours quarterly


For many, life-groups is the first step into the life of the church. But life-groups cannot function if there is no one to lead them. Stepping into this role means you will be supported by church staff in organizing meeting place/time, the activities of the group, and a spiritual element (normally prayer at the end)

TIME NEEDED: 10 Hours per LifeGroup


Our men’s ministry allows us to create specific times of fellowship with men in the church. People who serve on this team will help handle the logistics and execution of events and fellowship times.

TIME NEEDED: • 3 hours per month for discussion and planning • 2 hours per quarter for event execution and attendance


Serve together with other women to create fellowship and grow closer to Jesus. Develop and plan events for women in the church. Working with others to mentor and disciple women, helping them to grow spiritually.

TIME NEEDED: 5-10 Hours per event (2-3 events per year)


Members of the Children’s Ministry Resource & Supplies Team may be involved in any one or more of the following:

• Prepping and pulling supplies for lessons on Sunday morning and Special Events

• Organizing and keeping inventory of supplies in the resource room

• Informing children’s minister when supplies are needed

• Ensuring general supplies are stocked in all classrooms (Kleenex, wipes, etc.)

• Decorating children’s ministry hallways monthly relative to the teaching theme

TIME NEEDED: 2 Hours a week


The Children’s Ministry Serve Team has several opportunities where you can serve becoming a part of each kid’s Big God Story:

• Teach/lead small groups on Sunday Mornings (age 2 years old through 6th grade)

• Lead Worship (You-tube/Sing Along/Karaoke style worship) for preschool or elementary age children Sunday Mornings

• Greeter Team Sunday Mornings

• Wednesday Night Teacher/Aide

• Childcare for special events (infant-6th Grade)

• Special Events (VBS, Nerf War, etc.)

TIME NEEDED: 1-2 Hours per week


A church greeter plays an essential role in making guests feel seen and valued from the moment they enter the church. Greeters will open doors for guest and greet them with a smile and a “hi”, “good morning”, or “welcome”. Provide direction for anyone needing information or help.

TIME NEEDED: 6 time quarterly (30 minutes prior to services)


As a church, one of our main areas of ministry happens on Sunday mornings. The stage host serves as a tour guide through our services. This person welcomes people from stage, does announcements, and helps us summarize each Sunday morning experience by helping communicate the big idea.

TIME NEEDED: 3 hours per week (2-3 times a quarter)


The purpose of this ministry is to help people in need by providing a ready-made meal. In times of need, it is an incredible blessing to see a friendly face and receive a meal. Organized meals are centered around significant life events (new baby, death, or church event).

TIME NEEDED: 1-2 hours prep time per meal


As a church, one of our main areas of ministry happens on Sunday mornings. The A/V/T ministry makes it possible for people to experience the sights and sounds of our Sunday morning gatherings. This ministry allows for people to use a heart of service with a meaningful way to do ministry in a big way.

TIME NEEDED: 4 hours per week (2-3 times a quarter)


The vehicle team is responsible for the maintenance and care of all church-owned vehicles. This includes:

• Developing and performing a routine maintenance program for each vehicle

• Checking tires for signs of wear, aging, and low tire pressure

• Performing Pre-trip and Post-trip inspections and scheduling repairs as needed

• Regular cleaning inside and outside of all vehicles

• Performing walk-around inspections on a regular basis as used infrequently

• Potential opportunities to meet vehicle maintenance needs of church members

TIME NEEDED: 1-2 times/month and as maintenance/programming schedule dictates


Several times throughout the year, our church holds big events that require set up and some extra effort beyond our normal programming. This team will serve as the crew that shows up after each event and brings the energy to help us get our church building reset to its normal state.

TIME NEEDED: 2 hours per quarter


Each year in the life of our church we host events that are open to the public, including our Sunday morning worship services. This team operates as our behind-the-scenes eyes and ears to make sure that no details go unnoticed. Additionally, this team serves people by taking charge of keeping our environments safe from hazards and dangers of our physical property.

TIME NEEDED: • 2 hours per month (As needed for special events throughout the calendar year).


Once a month each team will provide snacks to our members during our snack time between services.

TIME NEEDED: 1-2 HOURS per month


Our goal is to have a place that people (members and visitors) can gather and connect. This team will prepare coffee on Sunday mornings and oversee the coffee bar. This will include set up, clean up and relaying to the appropriate person when supplies are needed.

TIME NEEDED: 1-2 Hours per week


We partner with several ministries outside of the walls of our church. This team serves as the connection point to those individuals, helps plans mission trips, and works with the Sr. Pastor for our I AM III weeks during the year.


• 2 hours per month for discussion and planning (partner connections)

• 5 hours per month for planning (mission trip planning)

• 3 hours per quarter for preparation (I AM III week)

SM Sunday nite team

The Gospel moves at the speed of relationships. SUCC Student Ministry is looking for volunteers that can be present on Sunday nights, build relationships with students, and make them feel known/loved/cherished.

You will get to be a part of one of the most exciting parts of their week!

TIME NEEDED: 2 hours per week (on Sunday Nights 6:00-8:00pm)


Sunday Night Student Ministry is a place where students can feel safe and at home. One way we do that is by preparing and serving meals. Volunteers rotate on prepping and delivering food to the church on Sunday nights for students to enjoy.

There’s nothing like a home-cooked meal to make someone feel like they’re at home.

TIME NEEDED: 1-3 Hours per month