Kingdom Kamp provides a Christ-centered alternative for children to attend during summer break. It is our goal to provide a FUN, safe, and Biblically-based program that will bring children closer to each other and their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, while further training them to serve in His Kingdom.

KINGDOM KAMP 2023 is almost full/full.

Contact Jackie Goss at 812-824-1829 or for waiting list information.



+ More about faith

The core aspect that sets Kingdom Kamp apart from other camps in the Bloomington area is our focus on FAITH. Your child will spend time worshipping and learning about Jesus throughout the summer. Each week of camp is themed to a specific Bible hero or heroes. We will read a story about that hero, do a related service project, and do fun and creative crafts and games related to the Bible story. Throughout the summer, your child will learn more about Jesus and his love for us!

+ More about friendship

Deep FRIENDSHIPS develop during Kingdom Kamp. Throughout the several planned games and activities, your child will be able to interact with other campers in a safe and engaging environment. Our staff provide an environment for your child to grow in relationship with other campers throughout the summer. Kingdom Kamp is the perfect place for friendships to grow and develop!

+ more about fun!!!

The last aspect essential to Kingdom Kamp is FUN! While we have planned activities, service projects, and field trips, our biggest focus is that your child is enjoying his or her time at camp. Some of our activities beyonod our amazing field trips include nerf wars, water days, hide-and-seek, kickball, video games, crafting and more! Our main goal is for your child to have a fun and enjoyable summer during their time at Kingdom Kamp!


May 30 - July 28, 2023
Monday - Friday 7:30am-5:30pm

+ who is kingdom kamp for?

Campers entering Kindergarten in the Fall 2023 through exiting 6th graders.

+ how much does kingdom kamp cost?

Registration Fee: $100 The registration fee is needed to officially enroll and secures your child’s spot at Kingdom Kamp. This fee goes toward snacks and supplies for camp. The registration fee for additional children is discounted by 50% once you have paid full price for your first child


$145/week for 5 days

$140/week for 4 days

$105/week for 3 days

Tuition includes small weekly adventures to local parks, ice cream, etc (see camp calendars below).

However, larger field trips will be an additional charge. There will be a 20% discount given for additional Kamp siblings.

Tuition Payments:

Payment is due on Monday each week (or the first day of every week your child attends).

Online payments may be made through Invoice Ninja. We will give you more information about online payments at Meet the Counselor Night.

Please make checks payable to SUCC, write “Kingdom Kamp” in the memo section of your check, and give payment to a counselor at drop off or pick up. You may also pay in cash and a counselor will give you a receipt.

Payment is expected for the days in which your child is registered regardless of sickness or "days off" (e.g. Memorial Day or 4th of July holidays and any vacation beyond the vacation “week” offered—see the Parent Handbook)

2023 Kingdom kamp Calendar:

Meet the Director:

Paige Cassidy

My name is Paige Cassidy and I’m from Bloomington, IN. I graduated from Indiana University with a bachelors in elementary education. I’m currently a 5th grade teacher at Clear Creek Christian School and I have been loving it! I attend Embassy Church in Bloomington and have been attending there for almost a year. I have a passion for teaching young children, especially teaching children about Jesus. Some of my favorite things I love doing is playing guitar and singing, hiking, and drinking way too much coffee at local coffee shops! A fun fact about me is I’m a triplet with two triplet brothers.
