Greg & Angie’s Story…
“In 2009, Greg and I found ourselves on the verge of disaster. We were drowning in our finances and it began to negatively effect our marriage, family and our business. We were running into opposition from every direction and were desperate for help. God introduced us to Financial Peace University and to say that it has changed our life is an understatement! We have now found FREEDOM in being DEBT FREE! We have lead over five classes where we have been able to help motivate and encourage others to embark on their financial freedom journey. Whether you are living paycheck to paycheck, worried about future bills, or you’re financially stable but want better control of where your money is going, this class is for you! Each class is video-lead by FPU experts and ends allowing ample time for questions and opportunities to learn and grow (the atmosphere is a SHAME-FREE zone!). We guarantee that you will walk away with the tools you need to improve your finances and carve a better path for your life! If you have any questions, email me at”
***Registration Closed***
Cost: $109
Coordinators: Greg & Angie Chasteen
Financial Peace University includes nine video lessons featuring Dave Ramsey, Rachel Cruze, and Chris Hogan. Follow along in your workbook as you’ll work through the following lessons:
Lesson 1: Build a Starter Emergency Fund and Learn How to Budget
Lesson 2: Pay Off All Debt
Lesson 3: Save a Fully Funded Emergency Fund
Lesson 4: Invest for the Future and Build Wealth
Lesson 5: Buyer Beware
Lesson 6: The Role of Insurance
Lesson 7: Retirement Planning
Lesson 8: Real Estate and Mortgages
Lesson 9: Living and Giving Like No One Else