Common Questions
Every Sunday, we gather for musical worship and a message from the Bible that is intended to bring about transformation in our lives. We are preparing ourselves to be ambassadors for Christ in our homes, workplaces, communities, and the world. Our services are more contemporary in nature and many people describe the atmosphere as comfortable and relaxing.
Our focus is on God alone, not on the clothes/styles people wear. You may find people wearing anything from jeans to suits. Just come as you are!
Children’s classes are offered both services. Our Student Ministry only meets during second service (10:30am).
Communion can be picked up on the tables at the front of the sanctuary when directed.
We celebrate communion every Sunday after the message is given.
We welcome all who profess the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior to participate in communion, regardless of your affiliation to our church.
The small cracker represents Christ’s body and the juice represents Christ’s blood, which was poured our for many for the forgiveness of sins. (Matt. 26:26-27)
You may use this time to kneel at the altar and pray or you may return to your seat.
No, but if you would like one there are Bibles under the chairs in the Sanctuary. These are for anyone to use or keep.
All of our sermons are audio recorded and uploaded as podcasts. Links to listen and download can be found on the Past Messages page.