This really is good news
Read: Luke 2:8-20
Often, what’s good news for some is devastating for others.
For example, a promotion is good news if you’re the one getting promoted. A surprise pregnancy is good news for the couple who has been trying for years.
But when you’re the one who feels passed over or the teen who isn’t ready for parenthood, the same news that brought joy to others might bring you to tears.
That’s part of what makes the angel’s announcement so special. When the angel appears to the shepherds, he brings “good news that will cause great joy for all the people” (Luke 2:10). This wasn’t good news for some and bad news for others. This was good news for everyone.
“Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.” - Luke 2:10
Jesus, the promised rescuer, had arrived. Things were going to be different. And not just for some, but for everyone.
The fact that the angel delivered this news to a group of shepherds shows the kind of king Jesus would be. His kingdom wasn’t reserved for the wealthy or religious elite. His kingdom is open to anyone humble enough to submit themselves to Him.
No matter who we are or what we do, Jesus wants to be our king. We don’t need to clean up or wait until we’re of age to be part of His kingdom. The angel met the shepherds in a field at night, and Jesus meets us right where we are today.
That’s good news!
What’s the best news you could get this Christmas?
How does it make you feel to know that Jesus’ kingdom is open to everyone?
The news about Jesus was so good the shepherds couldn’t keep it to themselves (Luke 2:20). Is there anyone you need to share the good news with this Christmas?