Jesus is a different kind of king

December 21

Read: Isaiah 11:1-10

Parents and teachers. Your boss. Your boss’s boss. The shareholders or the members of the board. We all have bosses — some good, some not. 

 But what if there was a boss who was always wise, patient, gentle, kind, and faithful to keep his promises? What if that boss always had his employees’ best interests at heart? And, what if following this boss and doing what he said would lead to more peace than you knew was possible?

 Isaiah tells of such a man — not a boss who lords his position over us, but the Lord who would die to save us. 

Isaiah 11:1-10 foretells God’s plan for a king to rule His people. These verses announced to God’s people, “Your savior is coming! He will stand in awe of the Lord. He will be righteous and dispense justice based on obedience, not favoritism.” 

This kingdom would be different than anything they, or we, have ever known. This king would ask people to follow Him, not demand obedience from them. He would draw people to Himself through love, not fear.

 Jesus is king Isaiah describes. And when He returns to rule and reign, “the whole earth will be brimming with knowing God-Alive, a living knowledge of God ocean-deep, ocean-wide” (Isaiah 11:9, MSG).


  • Re-read Isaiah’s description of how Jesus rules. How does it make you feel? What do you look forward to?

  • Is it easier to think of Jesus as your savior than your ruler? How might your relationship need to change to reflect that Jesus is both?