God doesn't break His promises
December 2
Read: Psalm 89:1-52
Psalm 89 is Israel’s response to what seemed like a broken promise.
In 2 Samuel 7, God promises that someone from King David’s family would be king forever. But then Babylon defeats the nation of Israel, and King Nebuchadnezzar takes over. Nebuchadnezzar is not even Jewish, much less a member of David’s family.
You have said, “I have made a covenant with my chosen one;
I have sworn to David my servant:
‘I will establish your offspring forever,
and build your throne for all generations.’” - Psalm 89:3-4
But God’s plan was bigger than Israel’s political crisis. When their world was at its worst, God was at work, making a way for the most high king. Israel didn’t realize King Jesus, a descendant of David, would take the throne for eternity.
Often, what we see and feel doesn’t seem to line up with what God promised us. And just like the writer of Psalm 89, we plead with God asking, “How long, O Lord? Will you hide forever?”
God never leaves us, and He has not forgotten us. Christmas is an annual reminder that God’s promises always come to pass.
So this Christmas, as you wait for God to fulfill promises in your life, remember His promise to David. God didn’t forget His people then, and He won’t forget you now.
How has God been faithful to you this year?
Is there a promise you are waiting to see fulfilled? Tell a friend, and ask them to pray with you.