God can do great things through imperfect people
December 15
Read: Matthew 1:1-17
When you think of the kind of people God works through, who comes to mind?
Matthew 1 lists the people in Jesus’ family tree. And while it perfectly matches Old Testament prophecies, the people in this list were far from perfect.
Abraham followed God to an unknown land but lost faith in God’s plan for his family and had a son with his maid (Genesis 16:1-4).
Tamar disguised herself as a prostitute (Genesis 38).
David, known as a man after God’s heart, committed adultery with another man’s wife then murdered him to cover it up (2 Samuel 11).
Rahab was a prostitute (Joshua 2).
Manasseh and Abijah were evil (2 Kings 21:1-3 and 1 Kings 15:3).
Despite their flaws, God made each of these men and women part of Jesus’ genealogy. Matthew 1 is proof that God accomplishes His perfect plan with imperfect people.
This doesn’t excuse our sin. The men and women in Jesus’ family tree brought suffering to this world. People were hurt, even killed as a result of their decisions. But it does remind us that God’s grace is greater than our sin.
Just like the men and women on this list, Jesus commissions us to be part of His story. As we tap into the message and the power Jesus gives us, God works through us to change the world.
How does it feel to know you don’t need to be perfect for God to work through you?
One way we receive God’s grace is through confession and repentance. As you pray today, spend some time confessing sin and ask God what it means for you to repent.